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The materials used are the focus of our concept. We must ensure that any material used is used in a manner that is not harmful to us and our surroundings and that the Materials are used fairly in all areas.

For each type of Material, we focus on how it is harvested, processed and used in the areas listed. Many plants, soils, stones, etc., surround us and could be used when processed in the right way. We will offer kits and ways to analyze them to find out what they contain chemically, pure and processed. This will be listed in each category of Materials. We will also list the laboratories that offer these services. Some people will be able to train in this area.

In plants, and fiber, all fruits and vegetables (except waste and the real surplus) should be used exclusively for food. The same goes for seeds. In Materials from Animals, only wool is initially considered because it is the only material that comes directly from the animal and does not harm the animal. We can also use other products created by the animal (e.g. milk for its casein in the creation of paint) making sure that this does not interfere with the food industry (such as for plants and fibers).

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Materials coming directly from Nature:

Materiaux issus de la transformation de Matériaux provenant de la Nature et utilisés comme Matériaux de base:

Matériaux issus de la transformation de matériaux provenant de la Nature et ajoutés lors du process de création:

Souvent le plus polluant n’est pas le Matériau en lui-même (dans toutes ses phases de transformation) mais les produits annexes utilisés lors de la création.

Matériaux basiques



Pierres et poudres de pierres

Terres et Argiles

Plantes et Fibres


Materiaux transformés:





